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UAPRN Director-At_Large position posting

Posted almost 9 years ago by Tiney Ray

This announcement has 1 attachment:

I regret to inform you that Dr. Deborah Dumphy who holds the Director- At- Large position for UAPRN has resigned her position to tend to family issues. In keeping in compliance with our bylaws, the position needs to be filled therefore, the executive board is extending an invitation for anyone interested in filling the board vacancy. Anyone interested in filling the position should contact me no later than July 10, 2015 ?

Please see the attached bylaws which has been provided for your and others' perusal. Please keep in mind this is a 3 year position and interested candidates should review the responsibilities of this position before applying. Those responsibilities are listed in the bylaws.

The final decision will be made by the Board of Directors when they review the candidates and a majority vote has been made.

I can be reached at

Thank you for your help in this matter.


Tiney Ray PhD, FNP-BC
UAPRN State Vice President