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Please consider joining this research study !!

Posted almost 11 years ago by James F. Lawrence

Join the Nurses’ Health Study III

 Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s hospital are excited to announce that the Harvard Nurses' Health Study is growing.  Female nurses between ages 20 and 46 are encouraged to join the new Nurses' Health Study 3. Join at


The original Nurses’ Health Study began in 1976 and over 237,000 nurses have participated in previous cohorts. These women have been followed ever since and have taught us much of what we currently know about how diet and lifestyle can affect women’s risk of developing cancer and other serious health conditions.  The study has received the endorsement of the American Nurses’ Association, the National Federation for Licensed Practical Nurses and other major nursing organizations.


For more information visit or email


James F. Lawrence, Ph.D. APRN BC FAANP CPS      

State President of UAPRN