Posted 3 months ago by Robin Pingeton
I am looking for a few NPs who would be interested in helping with the DC implementation process which is set for July 1!!
Sen Rick Williams has sent quite a few Death certificate training videos, as well as DPH and GAVARS training materials to me, and I can not get through them all. I definitely need a few extra set of eyes to help review, and to train others.
Preferably would like someone who has experience in long term care/ER or has worked with coroners/medical examiners, or anyone familiar with the GAVARS program, and of course we will welcome anyone who is offering to help!
Also ...If anyone has outstanding collab agreement PLEASE send to me ASAP.
We have the Govenor's office attention , Julianna and I spoke with them yesterday, we will be meting with them next week and they promised to get this fixed... they did not realize how bad the situation was....