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Update @ Eight is back!

Posted 8 months ago

Join us for a pivotal virtual meeting, "Update @ 8", hosted by the United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (UAPRN) of Georgia. This event is scheduled for January 18th at 8:00 PM and promises to be an informative session addressing key legislative and professional topics directly impacting APRNs in Georgia.

This meeting is virtual and attendees can join via Zoom here: 

Topic: Update @ Eight
Time: Jan 18, 2024 08:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 204 497 5839
Passcode: 9N9TCg

Key Discussion Topics:

  1. APRN License: Deliberations on the current status and future directions for APRN licensing in Georgia.
  2. Handicap Signatures: Addressing the role of APRNs in authorizing handicap signatures.
  3. Home Health Certifications: Discussion on APRNs' involvement and authorization in home health certifications.
  4. APRNs Signing Death Certificates: Exploring the legal and professional aspects of APRNs signing death certificates.
  5. Streamlining the Collaborative Practice Agreement: Proposals to make the collaborative practice agreement more efficient and to remove the requirement for CBOM (Composite Board of Medical Examiners) approval.
  6. Alternative Disciplines Program for Nurses (Including APRN): Introduction and exploration of alternative discipline programs and their implications for nurses, including APRNs.

Special Feature: Robin Pingeton, a key member of the UAPRN, will discuss her efforts in expediting the collaborative agreement process through the Georgia Medical Board. This segment is particularly crucial for those looking to navigate these agreements more effectively.

Join Us: This meeting is a must-attend for UAPRN members, APRNs, and nursing professionals in Georgia who seek to stay informed about the latest developments in their field. The event provides a platform to understand legislative changes, professional requirements, and opportunities for advancement in nursing practice.

Participation Details: The event will be held online. Members are encouraged to join virtually and participate in these critical discussions. Details for joining the virtual meeting will be provided upon registration.

We look forward to your participation in shaping the future of nursing in Georgia.