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Nurse Practitioner as Primary Care Solution Presentation

Posted over 5 years ago by Ashley Blackmon

Good afternoon colleagues and friends,

I hope those of you that attended the Unity Conference this past weekend enjoyed yourselves, and I hope those that weren't able to come will come next year! I personally thanked Dr. Buerhaus for his excellent presentation on the Nursing and Nurse Practitioner workforce. He was kind enough to reply and send the following message. He will be presenting on why Nurse Practitioners are the solution to America's primary care shortage to the legislature in Washington, DC on Monday, October 15th at 9 am. Below is the following announcement and link to watch the live stream. If the copied link is not functioning then you may use this one:

The presentation should also be archived so we can watch it again later. However, I recommend that even if you are working you should have it up on your phone. This will show that there are numbers of people interested in hearing this and support these findings. If you want to read the research this presentation will be based on, you may do so here:


This is so exciting! Please also consider renewing your membership or joining our organization as we continue to advocate for advanced practice nurses in our state. 

Nurse practitioners and America’s primary care shortage 

Monday, October 15, 2018 | 9:00–11:00 AM 

AEI, Auditorium | 1789 Massachusetts Avenue, NW | Washington, DC 20036

The US is facing a shortage of primary care physicians that will only get worse in the coming years. Can nurse practitioners remedy this problem?

RSVP Watch Live Online    



Americans, especially those in rural areas, often lack adequate access to primary health care. Shortages of primary care providers are likely to worsen in coming years, with a particular strain placed on Medicare as the baby-boom generation ages into retirement.
Peter Buerhaus’ new report, “Nurse Practitioners: A Solution to America’s Primary Care Crisis,” describes his original research on the primary care shortage and its potential solutions. His research strongly suggests that reevaluating restrictions on nurse practitioners can help Americans gain greater access to primary care while easing the strain on public health insurance programs.

Please join AEI for Dr. Buerhaus’ presentation of his research and a panel discussion on the implications of his findings.

Join the conversation on social media with @AEI on Twitter and Facebook. 


Joseph Antos, AEI
Peter Buerhaus, 
Montana State University
Robert Doar,
Eileen Sullivan Marx, 
New York University


RSVP to attend this event.

To watch live online, click here on October 15 at 9:00 AM ET. Registration is not required.


For more information, please contact Maryanna Mitchell at, 202.862.7197.

For media inquiries or to register a camera crew, please contact, 202.862.5829.


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All the best,


Phyllis Hughes over 5 years ago

Hi Ashley, how do we obtain our CE certificates for Saturday October 6. I understood we would complete the evaluations on line and get certificates but haven't found where to do that.

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