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Feedback Needed: Questions YOU HAVE for Governor and GA Secretary of States Candidates

Posted over 6 years ago by Molly Bachtel

Dear APRNs of Georgia,

We are collecting questions APRNs have for Governor and Ga Secretary of State Candidates. Please go to the link to add your questions so we can determine and present the most pressing and common questions to the candidates before our State UAPRN Conference in September. If you have the same question as another person, mark an "*" on the document to indicate you have the same question as a way of tallying.

Many of the candidates will be at our UAPRNconference or have surrogates there to answer your questions.


Please call me with any questions you have about this, or any other matter on APRN advocacy or legislative issues

Best regards,

Molly Bachtel
UAPRN Member
(404) 285-4647